
Social Justice Day

Dr. Bhaba Saheb Ambedkar's birth anniversary is celebrated by SDPI as Social Justice Day. Constitution architect Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar gained equal rights for the people who suffered untouchability, humiliation and exploitation in the name of caste for centuries. He brought social justice to the oppressed communities by giving equal rights and opportunities to people of all castes and religions through the Constitution. For which he sacrificed the whole of his life. Today the Manuvadis are plotting to take back those rights and push the country back into slavery. They are talking about changing the very constitution which is the foundation of social justice. On this occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti let us uphold Baba Saheb's legacy by warning those who are planning to deny social justice by opposing the Constitution.
I wish you all a happy SOCIAL JUSTICE DAY